3 R's:
Go to church
Go to class
Attend events and games
No kitchen
Can’t drive to school (have to walk)
1. A place I felt heard was at my high school graduation when I won an award for outstanding community service. This was not necessarily so much about feeling heard because of the hours of service I dedicated my time to but more to the fact that I felt like me being a good person was finally seen. My high school experience was rough beyond rough. It always seemed like the good kids were overlooked because the kids who were mean and were not a positive reflection of the school were always getting away with everything. I often questioned why I went to school every day and tried my best to be a good person and worked hard because the students who did not do those things never got in trouble and were always the ones everyone wanted to be friends with. It was the classic popular kids rule the school while the outsiders were overlooked. Everyone outside of the group felt it and saw it as well. When I won that award it finally felt
2. A place I felt spoken to was during recruitment on preference round. I was at my favorite house and the members started to tell their chapter’s values and I was immediately brought to tears because it felt like they were speaking straight into my soul about all the things that were important to
3. A place where its complicated is my old dance studio because I left mid-season and my teachers were not happy about it. It is a place where so many memories and joy were found and had yet, it is also the place where I gave up on my dream.
Beauty queens are not all that “perfect”
Beauty queens are not always the “good” girls
Sweet Valley high was a book for girls who wanted to fit in but didn’t
Replace Words:
It always seemed like the good students were disregarded while the students who were not a positive reflection of the school were always getting away with everything.
We did everything together. Even though our last names were on two different ends of the roll list somehow, we always got paired up together. We were best friends, but I think we both knew it was something more, even at the ripe old age of 5. At recess we would playfully flirt acting like we did not like each other, yet everyone could see Trent and I were basically married. I knew it was meant to be when year after year we were placed in the same class all the way through elementary school. It was fate when our moms ended up being the room moms and our recess dates became play dates at each other’s houses. He would defend me in dodgeball and when it came down to the two of us we would help each other out. However, nothing was better than 50’s day at school when he told me I looked pretty in my poodle skirt and we danced together in the twist competition. Of course, we won first place and posed together like the star quarterback and head cheerleader. Each year Trent and I got closer and closer all the while pretending like we didn’t like other thinking no one could see through our fantastic acting.